Welcome to ReaPower !

The ReaPower Blog is a serie of facts, tips and tricks about Cockos REAPER.
REAPER is a fully customizable DAW allowing its users to create their own macros, toolbars, features, scripts, extensions or even change the visual appearance and layout of the software.
With such an open tool, there are so many great features scattered across the internet (and within REAPER itself) which can be missed.
Main objectives
to gather the best features in a centralized place, making it easier to share the knowledge
to be a place where non-REAPER or new users can discover basic features, and learn what makes REAPER different from other DAWs
How it works
Simply browse categories
Find what you need to improve your workflow, discover more about REAPER and become a (Rea)Power User!
This blog is about discovering what REAPER can do
It is not meant to be a tutorial place. That said, I will include links to relevant tutorials in posts.
If you know a good tutorial for the subject of a post which I did not include, please let me know!
I will try to post a new article every week
I already have a list of ideas for the next posts. If you have a feature in mind which you think is really cool and not easy to be aware of, feel free to email me about it!
I am not affiliated to Cockos in any way, this is an unofficial blog run at my own initiative.